I live so I love,
I live so I love.
(Live & love, live & love)
(If it’s love, I will love you.)

🌻 Welcome to @totallynotrkive's world. 🌻

This is a therapeutic in-character account made to get my thoughts together and indulge in some escapism. It's not meant to be taken seriously. I am NOT the real Kim Namjoon/RM, this account is purely created for fun. The real Kim Namjoon can be followed at @rkive on Instagram.Writer goes by Woosh and is 20 years old.This account is not NSFW centered, and I heavily discourage accounts to interact with me if their primary goal is to write NSFW content with me. I value long-term writer friends who stick around for quality character development and meaningful interactions.In terms of shipping, I am and always have been a Namgi enjoyer first and foremost, but I also really like Namkook and Namjin. :) This account is multiship and every ship takes place in a different universe.💛 @dtgeniusmin, my favorite black cat.If you have nothing nice to say, then please don't say anything at all.

❝ The next lyrics...What should I write? There are so many words circling around me, but none feel like how I feel.❞

Full name: Kim Namjoon (Also known as RM, Namu, Joon, Joonie, the God of Destruction, crab aficionado, and many more honorable titles.)🌊 ➥ Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea.
🌊 ➥ Zodiac: Virgo.
🌊 ➥ Personality type: ENFP.
🌊 ➥ Pronouns: He/him, they/them occasionally.
🌊 ➥ Occupation: Leader and main rapper of BTS, amongst other things.
[💙] Romantic orientation: biromantic.
[💙] Sexual orientation: bisexual.

❝ I can just feel it,
Like how the moon always rises after the sun
Like the way fingernails grow,
When winter comes,
Just like how trees shed their clothes, one leaf, one leaf at a time . . . ❞

☂️ ➥ Tattoos or piercings: Namjoon proudly bears one tattoo — a little 7 tattoed on his ankle, an eternal symbol of his love and appreciation for his brothers. His ears are pierced and he wears small black gauges most of the time when not being accessorized with earrings for his shows.
☂️ ➥ Hair: Joon changes his hair constantly, sometimes unwillingly as a requirement of his idol career. He's gone through many hairstyles and colours throughout the years, but he's currently sticking with a mullet in his natural black hair.
☂️ ➥ Physique: Namjoon is very physically fit due to being a natural stickler for his workout schedule. His bottom half is admittedly more fit due to his tendency to bike everywhere, which additionally tones his legs. He prides himself on his physique a lot.
☂️ ➥ Skin: Namjoon's skin is naturally a little more tanned than that of his bandmates. He blushes easily, and so he's notorious for having consistently reddened cheeks. There's a tiny mole right below the center of his lips, and it's unforgivable not to mention the prominent dimples he puts on show every time he smiles.
☂️ ➥ Posture: Namjoon is tall — a lot taller than most of his friends, and he's naturally taken to slouching a little bit around them as a result. His posture while he's working in his office is horrendous — shoulders drooped, almost completely folded over his chair like some studio-dwelling gremlin. In public, however, he is as taut as a violin string and maintains his chest puffed out with confidence.
☂️ ➥ Scent: Whenever Namjoon doesn't smell like one of his favorite colognes of which he keeps a well-loved collection, he usually carries the strong scent of coffee and lemon shampoo.

❝ Before I knew you,
My heart was all straight lines
I’m just a person, person, person
You erode all my sharp edges
And make me, make me into
love, love, love.❞

💜 ➥ Positive traits: It's well known that Namjoon's experience as a leader has proven him to be a steadfast, reliable beacon of stability to others in turbulent times. In most of his social circles, he takes up the role of someone trustworthy and warm who will always listen and give good, thought out advice. He's taken to caring for others, sometimes more than how much he cares for himself.
Namjoon's perceptiveness stands out strongly. He's known by his friends for being an empathetic, highly intuitive soul that seems to know exactly what you need to hear at any given moment, and lying to him is a hard task. Joon is analytical, quick-witted and patient, which makes him an excellent problem solver and quick thinker in tense situations. He handles pressure well and seems to always be thinking about several things at once, weighing his words with careful precision. He's preserved a lot of his childlike wonder and curiosity for the world around him, which makes him an interesting and easy-going conversation partner who will always have something new and intriguing to talk about. His loyalty to the people he loves is unshakeable.
💜 ➥ Negative traits: A genius mind is as heavy as it is luminous, and Namjoon is no exception to this statement. As a natural-born thinker, his stream of thoughts often reaches alarming speeds, and he often comes off as scatterbrained to strangers. His different perception of the world often results in him distancing himself from his loved ones, especially when he feels as if he can't be understood, which is often. Being the leader of a phenomenon like BTS comes with its vices, and Namjoon often ends up so deathly overworked that he teeters the edge of falling ill from stress and exhaustion. He struggles with asking for help, although he's getting better at accepting it.
Namjoon tends to focus too much on meaningful questions and logistics, and as such often overcomplicates simple tasks in his brain, which results in borderline hilarious acts that involve a lot of accidentally breaking things and struggling with small, domestic tasks.
Namjoon tends to go through serious mood drops that can last days at a time as a result of his brain short circuiting from the amount of information that he absorbs every day. As such, he sometimes falls into small episodes of laying in bed all day and feeling mentally and physically miserable.

If I were to go, how would it be?
If I were to go, would you be sad?
If I’m not me, what could I be?
Will you leave me in the end as well?

🌼 ➥ Likes: Songwriting, making music, self-improvement. Journalling, the sound of the pencil as it scratches against paper, having a good work ethic. Reading, collecting customized bookmarks, shelf arranging and organizing. Mellow, nostalgic songs, retro music, the song 'September' by Earth, Wind & Fire, vinyl records. Biking, especially in parks, nature, mid-spring months when flowers start to bloom. Koalas and crabs. Lazy afternoons. Oolong and matcha tea with a little bit of honey. Comfortable clothes, coats, baggy pants, plaid patterns and wool sweaters. Autumn colors. Contemporary art, galleries and museums, learning about art history and his favorite artists. Philosophy. Writing poetry, sending hand-written letters. His friends and family, particularly his mom.🌼 ➥ Dislikes: Being overloaded with work. People that can't be serious when the situation calls for it. Stupid questions. Disinterested, lazy people. People that bear no curiosity for the world. Liars and manipulators. Loud noises. Seafood, animal cruelty, pollution. Having his patience tested. Cooking, cleaning, organizing anything that isn't his art collection. Writer's block. Eye-straining colours. Injustice and indifference. Being sick. Feeling lonely. Book & movie cliches.➥ Favorites:
🌻Muted blues (color)
🌻Petrichor, new books (scent)
🌻Clematis, hydrangeas (flowers)
🌻Bonsai trees, succulents (indoor plants)
🌻Minimalism (design aesthetic)
Coffee (drink)
🌻Bungeoppang, strawberries (snacks)
🌻Eyes (facial features)
🌻Bookshops, bodies of water, complex architecture, sunrises (visuals)

❝ Wind, wind, wind blowing by
people, people, people passing by
My mood is blue, blue, blue
( In my head, it's blue from top to bottom. ) ❞

🌿 ➥ Physical habits: As they say, one can recognize a poet by their hands. Namjoon's hands are 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 still — whether it be tapping out rhythms on his thigh, playing with whatever object he can get his fingers on, picking at his nails, or fixing his hair, he gets incredibly uneasy when he can't fidget with something. He likes to think it's a side effect of his very active mind, a physical manifestation of his constantly running thought process. One of the habits he catches himself doing most often is idly scratching his left eyebrow, and he does it so much that the hair on his eyebrow in that spot has become slightly more sparse. He bounces his thighs a lot when he's impatient, and tends to flex his jaw or bite his cheek when irritated.
🌿 ➥ Voice: Namjoon's voice is deep and velvety, though it doesn't seem as such in the frequent occasions in which he's excitedly blabbering on and on about his current projects. He tends to make a lot of noises to express his emotions — surprised little oohs, shocked gasps, hums of interest. His friends very often catch him mumbling and talking to himself, as if needing to voice his own thoughts. His laugh is loud and earnest, albeit a little hiccupy, and he often has to put a hand over his mouth when he chuckles.